In 1987 my mom gave birth to me in Delft, a city in the southwest of the Netherlands. My parents embody the values of true hippies. The most important value my mom brought as a parent is to give us the space to become who we are, not who she wants us to be. A beautiful value, but also a big challenge since I incarnated with a huge amount of fire. Which as a child was too strong for me (and my family) to handle. A few periods in the year my energy was so high that I became explosive. Since my parents, as well as my bigger sister, have water as their main element, my fire was often extinguished. This would make me even more explosive and later, when I realised that explosions are not welcome in this world, I would bring my fire inside and become implosive which affected my inner world.
My dad used to do astrology which made it possible for my family to better understand what was happening to me. Through the influence of certain planets in my birth chart he could see when and how long my explosions would take, and what I needed in that period of time. This helped my parents to guide me the best way they could.
If you want to know more about astrology, you can visit the website of my talented sister. She is now one of the best astrologists I know and helps me a lot during my adult life to understand and master my energy and fire.
During my whole life my fire has been my greatest challenge and strongest gift. It makes me able to move mountains, start projects and explore new pathways which are way too scary for most people. In time I learned that my fire can not only explode and burn the inside and outside world, but it is also a strong creation force. And so I learned, through trial and error, to master my fire as a superpower.
As a child I was sensitive and even shy. Most adults felt unsafe for me because they confused me. I could feel the energy of their true essence, while the truth they spoke was different and their actions were even showing another truth. Was it safe for me to share my inner truth? Or did I need to play along in this game of roles and costumes? Mostly I decided to just stay quiet and observe the theatre in front of me. With children and animals I felt deeply connected and safe. With them I was free to express an Be! This connection made me as a child decide that I did not want to eat animals, so I became a vegetarian.
In my teenage and young adult life I tried to play along in the outside world. I played some roles that fit me and numbed my sensitivity and fire energy as much as I could. After 10 years of acting and living the life society wanted me to live, a big crisis forced me to go deep within. One year of feeling grieve, guilt and desperation followed. A year with pain that went so deep that it broke open everything I had locked inside. It brought me in connection with the core of my being. It opened me and made my soul's energy stream freely again.
Since then I learned to follow my intuition, the guidance of my soul,
and started my journey of becoming more and more conscious in all aspects of life
The sensitivity and unsafety I felt as a child toward adults, also reflected in the society and system I lived in. I can feel and see the true essence of the system, the essence of its existence. But the form of this current system does not make any sense to me, it has become toxic and violent for humanity and the planet we inhabit. With starting different projects and companies I tried to bring awareness to people. Helping them to see that we all are a part of this toxic system and that by changing ourselves we can heal the system from within.
This website shows my different expressions of attempts to transform the system. These projects helped me to become more and more conscious myself, to see clearer and clearer. Which made me come to a point that living within the system was no longer healthy for me. I needed to be honest to myself and realise that I no longer can and want to fit into this society's picture. That my path is no longer within that play but in the exploration of another game, a game of life! At this point of my life I released myself from all my responsibilities and belongings, to prepare myself for a whole new adventure.
Now, with the embodiment of my fire as superpower, I devote myself to the creation of an alternative reality. A reality where humanity is free to live their true selves and share their purest talents.
When every human being embodies their unique superpower,
this world becomes a magical place
I hope that one day we will play this wonderful game together!
Big hug,